Politics and Polarization
Why it seems to be getting worse, and what we can do about it through the
good news of peace.
Race and Imagination
Rethinking race and identity in the church and American society for more united Christian communities.
Deconstruction 101
Learn how to better understand the deconstructing, disillusioned,
and disenchanted.
Telling Our Western Stories
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been impacted by modern western culture, and the history of colonialism. For those of us from an exclusively western background, understanding what our culture is and how it may limit our imaginations can help us to see new possibilities for our communities, be more effective in navigating multicultural contexts, and critically examine our beliefs. Those with background in other traditional cultures can also be helped to see how the modern west has impacted us, so that we can more deeply appreciate our own traditions, identity, and potential contributions to our communities.
Non-Profits & Community Orgs
Identity Addiction
Addiction is a form of violence against oneself which follows a similar pattern to violence against others. Learn how our research can provide a more comprehensive view of addiction and the growing addiction crisis.
Building Bridges
Learn how an awareness of shame and identity dynamics can help you reach those you haven't yet, and foster greater unity wherever you have an impact.
Connecting Cultures
The culture workshop helps participants to better understand their own culture as a gateway to building stronger connections and communication with people
of other cultures.
Telling Our Western Stories
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been impacted by modern western culture, and the history of colonialism. For those of us from an exclusively western background, understanding what our culture is and how it may limit our imaginations can help us to see new possibilities for our communities, be more effective in navigating multicultural contexts, and critically examine our beliefs. Those with background in other traditional cultures can also be helped to see how the modern west has impacted us, so that we can more deeply appreciate our own traditions, identity, and potential contributions to our communities.